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Registration/Badge pick-up for the Summit is inside the main entrance to the Conference area at the Hyatt Regency. Upon entering the hotel, the lobby is to your left, and the entrance to the Summit is to your right.

Tuesday, October 15

Registration Open
Badge Pick Up & Morning Refreshments

Opening Keynote Address:

From Legacy to Future: How Merit Energy Successfully Navigated its Finance Transformation with SAP S/4HANA

  • Russ Hulme, Manager, Corporate Technology Group, Merit Energy Company
Networking Break 

Breakout Sessions 

Lunch Buffet. open to all attendees

Breakout Sessions 

Networking & Collaboration Break

Breakout Sessions 




Wednesday, October 16

Registration Open
Badge Pick Up & Morning Refreshments

Keynote Address:

Finance Transformation in the Digital Age: Finance’s Playbook

  • Chris Ortega, CEO, Fresh FP&A
Networking Break 

Breakout Sessions 

Summit Concludes

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