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Business events are truly multi-talented as platforms for the exchange of knowledge and for networking people. But as we face a multitude of global challenges and transformation processes, meetings, conferences and congresses also need to be readjusted.

What solutions can business events offer in the context of climate change, pandemics, international conflicts or energy issues? And vice versa: How does this multi-crisis situation influence the implementation of events and their strategic and conceptual orientation?

The motto "Navigating Business Events in Challenging Times" places these questions at the centre of Future Meeting Space 2023.

The GCB German Convention Bureau will be investigating this refocusing together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering in the Future Meeting Space 2023 research project.

The Initiators

The innovation network "Future Meeting Space" was launched in 2015 by the GCB German Convention Bureau e.V. in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO.

The GCB German Convention Bureau e.V. represents and markets Germany nationally and internationally as a destination for meetings, conventions, events and incentives.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO supports companies and institutions in implementing new business models and efficient processes in order to work more successfully. With its extensive knowledge of organizational structures and technologies, Fraunhofer IAO is able to put research into practice. The institute is involved in international networks in which the most important topics for the future of Germany as a business location are investigated and shaped. The aim of Fraunhofer IAO is to systematically optimize the interaction paths of people, organizations and technologies.

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