Let us know you've arrived, pick up your name badge, and grab some All Star swag. (Foyer between Atlantic and Regency ballrooms)
Join other attendees from All Star member companies for a time of relationship-building and knowledge-sharing. This networking event is designed to foster growth and collaboration across member industries. (Atlantic Ballroom 1)
Our Havana Nights opening reception promises an exciting start to an unforgettable convention. Enjoy the rhythmic beat of live Latin music, take part in a cigar-rolling demonstration, and sample traditional Cuban delicacies like empanadas and maduros. Immersed in the cultural richness of Havana, it's an evening that will create memories and resonate long after the convention ends. (South Palm Court)
A hot buffet breakfast will be served for all attendees. (Regency Ballroom 3)
Let us know you have arrived, pick up your name badge, and grab some All Star swag. (Foyer between Atlantic and Regency Ballrooms)
Redefining High Performance: Lessons from Ninja Warrior. Imagine combining the thrill and excitement of American Ninja Warrior with key insights for your business. This is more than a speech; it is an experience. Unlock more adaptability, empower your team to conquer challenges, and foster unwavering dedication as two American Ninja Warrior champions, Ty's sons, masterfully demonstrate specific lessons in leadership using a Ninja Warrior obstacle course. (Regency Ballroom 1 and 2)

Take time to mix and mingle with other Connect attendees. (Foyer between Atlantic and Regency Ballrooms)
Impossible to Possible. Ben is a mental health advocate who believes that all humans have ups and they have downs. In these trying times, Ben sheds light on those who might be in darker places. His astounding story and authentic levity give audiences hope and normalize behavioral health in a vibrant way. (Regency Ballroom 1 and 2)

Economic Outlook and Trends. Dr. Anthony Chan spent a quarter of a century as chief global economist for JP Morgan Chase, driving imperative dialogue around world markets and their impact on consumers and global communities. He's fluent in the needs of different cultures and geographies and able to tailor his talks to industries, sectors, and convenings that are looking for insight and inspiration from someone who built their career from the ground up. (Regency Ballroom 1 and 2)

The annual meeting of the stockholder members of All Star Purchasing Association will be held to conduct necessary business. (Regency Ballroom 1 and 2)
Connect attendees will experience something new this year for our golf outing - we're going to Top Golf! This event will be very interactive and social among the participating members, suppliers, and staff. We will take a bus to Miami Gardens, where we will have two hours to enjoy lunch and drinks as we send high-tech golf balls toward the giant outfield targets and attempt to score the most points. Golf clubs are provided, or you can bring your own. If you've experienced Top Golf, you already know how much fun it is. If this is your first time, we encourage you to join us for a day full of swings and maybe a few misses! (Top Golf Miami Gardens)
A hot buffet breakfast will be served for all attendees. (Regency Ballroom 3)
Digital Leadership + AI: The Future of Innovation and Growth. We don't have a choice on whether we team up with AI; the choice is how well we do it. As a leading futurist, practitioner, professor, author, and speaker, Erik Qualman is at the forefront of the AI revolution and the impact it's having across all sectors: business, education, healthcare, government, and beyond. This entertaining, educational, and empowering experience will provide you with the tools and knowledge needed today and tomorrow to harness the power of AI to drive growth and innovation. (Regency Ballroom 1 and 2)

Take time to mix and mingle with other Connect attendees. (Foyer between Atlantic and Regency Ballrooms)
Thrive: Turn Uncertainty to Your Competitive Advantage. In her highly engaging keynote speaking session, Meridith shows her audience how to attract more business, retain top talent, and leap into a position to win in this new economy. No walking on coals, no breaking boards, just real-life strategies you can put into place first thing Monday morning. (Regency Ballroom 1 and 2)

Visit with All Star suppliers and learn more about our programs and their product offerings. (Atlantic Ballroom 1, 2, and 3)
All attendees will gather for a networking lunch. (South Palm Court)
Mingle with other attendees before dinner. (Foyer between Atlantic and Regency Ballrooms)
Join All Star staff and other attendees for dinner as we announce and celebrate our Member of the Year, Supplier of the Year, service awards, and scholarship winners. After dinner entertainment will be provided by comedian Danny Adams. (Regency Ballroom 1 and 2)