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Check out the Canola Week 2024 speaker lineup.

Bishnu Acharya

Associate Professor & Research Chair of Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture in Bioprocess Engineering
University of Saskatchewan
Bishnu Acharya
  • Bishnu Acharya

    Presentation: Valorization of Canola Meal to Multiple Bioproducts

    Dr. Acharya is an Associate Professor and Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Endowed Research Chair in Bioprocess Engineering at the College of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan.

    Dr. Acharya research focuses on the development of high value bioproducts from low-value biomass and agro processing waste. His research expertise lies in the area of bioprocessing and conversion, particularly in the emerging area of conversion of biomass to bioproducts for chemical, material, and energy applications by adopting a circular bioeconomy approach. Dr. Acharya research investigates thermal (torrefaction, hydrothermal, pyrolysis, gasification, combustion), biological (fermentation and anaerobic digestion) and chemical synthesis processes for the conversion of low value biomass to high value bioproducts.

    Dr. Acharya is awarded with 2024 Mitacs Innovation Award – Outstanding Research Leadership, High Impact Scholarly Award from College of Engineering at USask, Engineers PEI – Engineering Excellence Award (2019) for his professional contribution towards the development of innovative bioproducts. His scholarly achievements are recognized with USask – High Scholarly Impact Award (2024), UPEI Faculty Association - Scholarly Achievement Award (2019), and Graduate Faculty Appreciation Award (2018). Dr. Acharya research work has been published in 8 book chapters, over 90 journal articles and several conferences and provided training to more than 70 HQP. Dr. Acharya is also a founding member and scientific advisor of TuniStrong Technologies Inc. and CanXtract Innovation Inc., spin off from his research activities.

    His bachelor’s degree in in mechanical engineering from Tribhuvan University - Nepal, Masters in Energy Technology from Asian Institute of Technology – Thailand and Doctoral Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Dalhousie University – Canada.

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Alireza Akhavan

Provincial Specialist, Plant Disease
Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Saskatchewan
Alireza Akhavan
  • Alireza Akhavan

    Presentation: 2024 Report on Canola Diseases in the Prairie

    Dr. Alireza Akhavan is the Provincial Plant Disease Specialist at the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, holding master’s and PhD degrees in Plant Pathology. He focuses on biosecurity and pest management to enhance crop health and productivity in province. His work includes developing guidelines to prevent crop disease spread and leading initiatives like the Saskatchewan Clubroot and Verticillium Monitoring Programs. Previously, he taught at the University of Alberta Faculty of Agriculture and worked with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, earning multiple awards for his contributions to plant pathology including the U. of A. Agriculture Teaching Wall of Fame Award.

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Kara Annand

Ag Grow Consulting
Kara Annand
  • Kara Annand

    Presentation: Challenges to Productivity and Profitability 

    Kara Annand grew up in Moose Jaw, SK and has always had a passion for agriculture and helping farmers.  Her strong agricultural roots stem from her family that farms near Rouleau, SK.  She graduated from the College of Agriculture from the University of Saskatchewan in 2001 and is a professional Agrologist and member of the Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists. Kara and her husband Wade live near Nipawin, SK with their 3 children Ty, Lane & Aubrie. The whole family is incredibly involved in agriculture, including the kids, who can be found helping Mom check crops or helping them out on their grain farm.  

    Kara owns and manages Ag Grow Consulting, an independent agricultural consulting business that started in 2008.  Kara leads a team of 20 that provide agronomy support to growers across the entire province. Ag Grow Consulting’s services provide farmers with the opportunity for an in-field agronomist to deliver leading edge information about crop production, soils, fertility and precision agriculture.

    As a professional Agrologist, Kara has assisted farmers in cropping and management decisions for more than 20 years. Kara strives to make sure that her customers are informed on current agricultural practices, bringing them innovative ideas to help their farms grow sustainably and be more profitable. 

    Check out more about Kara and about Ag Grow Consulting at or find her on Twitter @AgGrowKara or LinkedIn 

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Haben Asgedom Tedla

Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Haben Asgedom Tedla
  • Haben Asgedom Tedla

    Presentation: Sources of Nitrogen Fertilizers in Dry Conditions

    Dr. Haben is a Research Scientist in systems agro-ecology with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. He received his BSc degree in Soil and Water Conservation from the University of Asmara, MSc degree in Agricultural Sciences and Resource Management, and PhD degree in Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility from the University of Bonn. After receiving his PhD, Haben worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Manitoba, then as a Research Scientist and Systems Developer with Farmers Edge Inc. He joined Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in 2018, and his research program focuses on application of precision agriculture techniques and data analytics to improve nutrient management, enhance water quality and reduce nitrous oxide emission. 

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Véronique J. Barthet

Program Manager Oilseeds, Grain Research Laboratory
Canadian Grain Commission / Government of Canada
Véronique J. Barthet
  • Véronique J. Barthet

    Presentation: Quality of the 2024 Canola Harvest

    After obtaining her PhD at McGill University (Montréal, Canada), Véronique J. Barthet joined the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) in 2000.  Her research programs cover several research areas in order to maintain the Canadian oilseeds quality assurance programs.  She has been working on several projects to assess the impact of seed quality on end-products and the relationship with grading factors.  She has also been working on the development of analytical methods to measure minor seed components (e.g. cyanogenic glycosides in flaxseeds, n-7 fatty acids in Brassica).  Her research looks at the use of rapid methods (NIR spectroscopy) to analyze seeds components using bench instruments as well as handheld spectrometer.  She is a member of several national and international committees, such as ISO sub-committees where she served as project leader for several standards, AOCS uniform committee and the quality and products committee of the GCIRC (Global Council for Innovation in Rapeseed and Canola).  She is a member of the Oilseeds Sub-Committee of the Western Standard Committee, an industry-CGC advisory committee recommending specifications for quality parameters allowing the segregation of Canadian grains in different classes and grades, for their end-uses and marketing by the industry nationally and internationally.  In Canada, Véronique has been the Chair of two ISO Sub-Committees of the Technical Committee 34 dealing with oilseeds and oilseed meal (SC2) and fats and oil (SC11) analyses.  She also served as President of the Canadian Section of the American Oil Chemist Society.  In January 2024, Véronique was elected Chair of ISOTC34SC11 dealing with the analysis of oils and fats. 

    After earning her PhD from McGill University in Montréal, Canada, YYY joined the XXX in 2000. Her research spans multiple areas to support Canadian oilseeds quality assurance programs. She has led projects evaluating the impact of seed quality on end products and the connections to grading factors. Additionally, she has focused on developing analytical methods to measure minor seed components, such as cyanogenic glycosides in flaxseeds and n-7 fatty acids in Brassica. Her work also explores the use of rapid analysis methods, including NIR spectroscopy, to examine seed components with both bench instruments and handheld spectrometers.
    YYY actively participates in several national and international committees, including ISO sub-committees, where she has served as project leader for multiple standards. She is involved with the AOCS uniform committee and the quality and products committee of the Global Council for Innovation in Rapeseed and Canola (GCIRC). In Canada, she is a member of the Oilseeds Sub-Committee of the Western Standard Committee, an industry advisory group that recommends specifications for quality parameters to assist in the segregation of Canadian grains for various classes and grades for national and international marketing.

    Furthermore, she has chaired two ISO Sub-Committees under Technical Committee 34, focusing on the analysis of oilseeds and oilseed meal (SC2) and fats and oils (SC11). She has also served as President of the Canadian Section of the American Oil Chemists' Society. In January 2024, YYY was elected Chair of AAA, focusing on the analysis of rats.

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Lone Buchwaldt

Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Lone Buchwaldt
  • Lone Buchwaldt

    Presentation: Sclerotinia Resistance in Canola Achieved by Constitutively Expressing Single Defense Genes Executer1, Syntaxin of Plants, Lectin-RK or defensin

    Dr. Lone Buchwaldt is a research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Saskatoon. She obtained her Ph.D. in plant pathology and biochemistry from the Royal Veterinarian and Agricultural University in Copenhagen, Denmark. Buchwaldt utilizes national and international plant germplasm collections to identify sources of disease resistance primarily in Brassica napus, soybean, lentil and chickpea. Genomic tools are applied to map resistance loci, and seeds and molecular markers are shared with stakeholders for development of varieties suitable for western Canada. Recently, Buchwaldt demonstrated that sclerotinia resistance also can be obtained by constitutive expression of cloned and transformed defense genes in canola. Her research expand the knowledge on genomic diversity in populations of Sclerotinia, Colletotrichum, and Ascochyta. Buchwaldt maintains an extensive collection of pathogen isolates which are shared and contributes to research at universities and breeding companies. Research on fungicide resistance in past and current collections of Sclerotinia is ongoing. Her research is funded by Federal and Provincial governments, grower organizations, as well as national and international plant breeding companies. Buchwaldt was President for the Canadian Phytopathological Society, Editor of the ‘Compendium of Brassica Diseases’ for the American Phytopathological Society, Editor-in-Chief of ‘Plant Health Cases’ for CABI’s (Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International, UK), and Associated Editor for the Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. She taught classes on ‘Utilization of plant genetic resources’ at the University of Saskatchewan, and helped organize meetings of the International Rapeseed Conference, International Conference of Plant Pathology, Plant Canada, and the Canadian Phytopathological Society. Buchwaldt’s is a voting member of the Prairie Grains Recommending Committee for Special Crops, the Pathology sub-committee of the Western Canada Canola/Rapeseed Recommending Committee, and the Sclerotinia Steering Committee.

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Dave Charne

Breeding Consultant
Dave Charne
  • Dave Charne

    Presentation: Enhancing the public research contribution to the success of Canadian canola

    Dave was raised in rural western Ontario. He worked in forestry in BC and irrigated vegetable production in Africa before becoming a plant breeder. Dave has worked in canola research for 35 years and is passionate about everything canola. 

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Ian Clifford

Co-Founder & CEO
FuelPositive Corp.
Ian Clifford
  • Ian Clifford

    Presentation: Farmer-Owned, On-Farm Green Ammonia Production: How Does it Work for Me?


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Ray Daniels

Sustainability Market Development Manager
Ray Daniels
  • Ray Daniels

    Presentation: Carbon and Sustainability in Agriculture

    Ray Daniels is a purpose-led, servant leader on a mission to leverage the private sector to improve the environment and increase equity for all. He has a passion for sustainability and agriculture; helping farmers identify environmentally responsible, economically viable, and socially equitable ways to grow and market food, fiber, and other agricultural products.

    Ray’s is focused on working with farmers, retail customers, and value chain stakeholders to unlock the value of sustainable farming. A key area of focus for Ray is BASF’s Low Carbon Intensity Crops Program for the biofuels market. Ray is a sustainability advocate and champion for BASF's US and Canadian businesses, advises senior leaders on market issues and government policy related to sustainability, and serves as BASF’s sustainability lead for Canada. 

    Ray resides in Atlanta, GA with his wife, two kids, and Labrador retriever. Outside of work you can find him serving as a volunteer leader with a local faith-based non-profit, organizing road clean ups, and training for his next ultramarathon. 

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Chris Davison

President & Chief Executive Officer
Canola Council of Canada
  • Chris Davison

    Chris is the President & Chief Executive Officer of the Canola Council of Canada. He is responsible for leading the efforts of the Council's professional staff and reports to the Council’s Board of Directors.

    Chris joined the Council in August 2021 as Vice President, Stakeholder and Industry Relations. Prior to joining the Council, Chris spent nearly 10 years with a global life sciences company serving as Head of Business Sustainability for North America and prior to that Head of Corporate Affairs for Canada.

    Chris also spent several years on the consulting side of the agri-food industry working in government and industry relations, corporate communications and public affairs to advance issues and opportunities at the global, regional, national and sub-national levels for a diverse set of private sector and association clients.

    Earlier in his career, Chris worked for the Canadian federal government on animal health, plant health, and food safety related issues in support of Canadian bilateral and multilateral trade relationships.

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Amy Delaquis

Research & Agronomy Manager
Manitoba Canola Growers Association
Amy Delaquis
  • Amy Delaquis

    Presentation: Manitoba Canola Growers Research Update

    Amy is the Research & Agronomy Manager with Manitoba Canola Growers Association and lives in south central Manitoba. She holds a PhD from the University of Manitoba (U of M) in Cropping Systems, is a Certified Crop Advisor and 4R Designated Agronomist. She completed her MSc at the University of Alberta in Weed Science and BSc in Agronomy from U of M. Previously; Amy has worked as a research technician in the soil fertility lab at the U of M and as an Agronomist with Pembina Coop.

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Darrell Desveaux

Professor, Department of Cell and Systems Biology
University of Toronto
Darrell Desveaux
  • Darrell Desveaux

    Presentation: The Immunity Landscape of Oilseed Crops

    Darrell Desveaux is Professor in the Department of Cell and Systems Biology at the University of Toronto, Canada. He obtained his Ph.D. in Biochemistry at the University of Montreal, then held a postdoctoral fellowship with Jeff Dangl at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. The Desveaux research group aims to comprehensively map the functional diversity at the plant-microbe interface, focusing on pathogenic effectors and the host resistance proteins that recognize them.

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Rajeev Dhakal

PhD Student
University of Saskatchewan
Rajeev Dhakal
  • Rajeev Dhakal

    Presentation title: Nitrogen use efficiency in spring canola

    Hi I am Rajeev Dhakal and currently, I am finishing my Ph.D under the supervision of Dr. Rosalind Bueckert, professor at the University of Saskatchewan and Dr. Sally Vail, scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Saskatoon. My thesis research focuses on understanding the nitrogen use efficiency of spring canola diversity.
    I grew up in Kathmandu, Nepal, and did under graduation degree in Agriculture Science from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. I then completed my master’s degree at the Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding from VNMKV, India in the year 2014. I came back to Nepal and joined a research and development-based non-government organization called Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD). I worked for around five years and mainly engaged and led the on-farm research trials of various crops including, rice, maize, potato, barley and several mountain crops including minor millets.
    I recently joined SARDA Ag Research as a Research Scientist in November 2024. SARDA Ag Research is one of the non-profit applied research organizations working in the Peace Region of Northern Alberta since 1986.

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Amandeep Dhaliwal

Canola Product Design Scientist
Bayer Crop Science
Amandeep Dhaliwal
  • Amandeep Dhaliwal

    Presentation: Enhancing Genetic Diversity in B. napus

    Dr Amandeep Dhaliwal is a Canola Senior Product Design Scientist in Bayer Crop Science based in Saskatoon since December 2022. By leveraging genomics, phenomics, and environmental data, she is focused on designing and implementing technical strategies to develop improved germplasms and elite inbred lines in Canola. She has obtained her PhD in Molecular Plant Sciences from Washington State University where her research identified and characterized auxin-based dwarfing system in wheat for enhanced abiotic stress tolerance. After completing her PhD, she led National Science Foundation funded SBIR project on evaluation and introgression of new dwarfing genes to improve yield and abiotic stress tolerance in wheat.

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Tim Dumonceaux

Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Tim Dumonceaux
  • Tim Dumonceaux

    Presentation: Biopesticides as a Novel Management Strategy for Sclerotinia in Canola

    Dr. Dumonceaux completed BSc and MSc degrees at the University of Saskatchewan, and a Ph.D. at McGill University, all in microbiology. He first joined the National Research Council in Saskatoon as a postdoctoral fellow, then the Animal Biotechnology Centre at the University of Saskatchewan, where he worked on molecular diagnostics. He was appointed at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Manitoba, where he developed methods for applying high throughput sequencing to profile microbial communities and diagnostic assays for the detection and quantification of specific microorganisms. He joined the Saskatoon Research Centre of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in 2009, where he maintains a laboratory with research interests in the areas of agricultural microbial ecosystems (soil, plants, animals), biofuels, and molecular diagnostics of agricultural pathogens.

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Ian Epp

Agronomy Specialist
Canola Council of Canada
Ian Epp
  • Ian Epp

    Ian joined the Council in October 2015 as an Agronomy Specialist and now covers the North Central Saskatchewan territory.

    Ian was raised on a family grain farm near Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, where he continues to be involved in the operation. He graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a B.Sc. in Agriculture majoring in Agronomy.

    Ian is the Crop Production and Innovation team's sustainability lead and provides support to public affairs activities regarding pesticides, MRLs, and market access issues.

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Jemanesh Haile

Manager, Western Canada Canola/Rapeseed Recommending Committee Co-operative Testing
Canola Council of Canada
Jemanesh Haile
  • Jemanesh Haile

    Presentation: Canola Performance Testing and Variety Recommendation in Western Canada

    Jemanesh Haile is a plant breeder/pathologist with over 10 years of experience working on plant breeding and pathology in the Western Canadian Agriculture System. 

    She has joined the Canola Council of Canada in June 2023. She manages and coordinates the Western Canadian Canola and Rapeseed Recommending Committee (WCCRCC) Verification testing system for recommending new canola, rapeseed, and canola-quality Brassica varieties.

    Before joining the Canola Council of Canada, she was a research officer for the Crop Development Centre at the University of Saskatchewan, coordinating the pre-breeding and germplasm activities of the Wheat Breeding and Genetics Program. 
    While working on wheat, she has significantly contributed to releasing three Canadian Western Amber Durum wheat varieties and others in the pipeline. She has published more than 25 articles in peer-reviewed journals. She is a Professional Agrologist (PAg) and has received the following awards and fellowships: 
    •    First Prize winner of 3rd Africa-wide young professionals in science competition. The Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA), July 20, 2013, Accra, Ghana.

    •    Recipient, 2010 Jeanie Borlaug Women in Triticum (WIT) Award. Cornel University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA, May 31, 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia.

    •    She received a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship in 2008 for her full PhD study.

    •    In addition, she got a scholarship from the Bill and Milinda Gates Foundation for short-term wheat breeding and pathology training at Obregon, CIMMYT and Washington State University, USA.

    She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Kassel, Germany, majoring in gene and genome mapping, an MSc in Applied Genetics and a BSc in Plant Sciences from Addis Ababa University and Debub University, respectively, Ethiopia. 

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Barbara Ann Halkier

Coordinator of DynaMo Center & Villum Investigator, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
University of Copenhagen
Barbara Ann Halkier
  • Barbara Ann Halkier

    Presentation: The Potential of Reducing Glucosinolates in Seeds by Transport Engineering
    *this presentation is presented virtually, live


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Phillip Harder

Research Director & Hydrologist
Croptimistic Technologies
Phillip Harder
  • Phillip Harder

    Presentation: Understanding and Managing Ag-Water Interactions in Canola Production

    Phillip Harder is Research Director & Hydrologist at Croptimistic Technologies. He grew up on a family farm near Saskatoon and studied Hydrology at the University of Saskatchewan (PhD 2018). His research interests are focused on understanding the relationships between hydrology and agriculture on the Canadian Prairies. The overarching motivation of his work is to develop understanding, and tools, to improve agricultural outcomes and reduce water-related risks for producers in this water challenged environment.

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Daniel Heaney

Random Cross Consulting
Daniel Heaney
  • Daniel Heaney

    Presentation: BMP Adoption by Canola Growers – A Case Study Approach

    Dan Heaney completed his education in agronomy and soil science at the University of Alberta (PhD 2001). Over his career, Dan led a number of major research and extension programs aimed at enhancing nutrient stewardship in cropping systems. He is currently engaged with Fertilizer Canada on projects to extend 4R Nutrient Stewardship to Canadian agronomists and farmers and the adoption of the Nitrous Oxide Emission Reduction Protocol in Canada and internationally.

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Doug Heath

Research Manager
Saskatchewan Oilseeds Development Commission
Doug Heath
  • Doug Heath

    Presentation: SaskOilseeds Grower-Funded Research Update

    Doug Heath is the Research Manager at the Saskatchewan Oilseeds Development Commission.  SaskOilseeds currently oversees over 80 active canola and flax projects per year for the benefit of Saskatchewan’s oilseeds growers.  He comes from a diverse research and development background including canola, wheat, Camelina, carinata, and pulse research from private industry, non-profit, academia, and public research organizations.  He has a BSc Biology and MSc Microbiology from the University of Saskatchewan.

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David Lee

National Agroclimate Information Service (NAIS) Manager
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
David Lee
  • David Lee

    David Lee's presentation will provide a 2024 Agroclimate Review

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Jocelyn Leidl

Research Program Manager/Graduate Student
MNP/University of Saskatchewan
Jocelyn Leidl
  • Jocelyn Leidl

    Presentation: On-Farm Evaluation of Nitrogen Response in Canola: Systematic Design vs. Traditional Randomization

    My name is Jocelyn Leidl, and I grew up on a farm south of Wilkie, Saskatchewan. This allowed me to participate firsthand in Canadian agriculture, seeing issues and mostly opportunity which pushed me to complete an Agronomy degree at the University of Saskatchewan. I am currently finishing my master’s degree under the supervision of Dr. Steve Shirtliffe at the University of Saskatchewan here in Saskatoon. My research focuses on evaluating nitrogen response in wheat and canola using a systematic application of treatments using a design referred to as modulated on-farm response surface experiments or MORSE for short.   As I complete the remaining revisions of my thesis, I have been working as the Research Program Manager for Max Ag Consulting, which has now merged into Canada’s leading agronomy services group at MNP Ag Intellect.  I have a passion for knowledge of on-farm research and how it benefits producers and am committed to systems that provide accurate results to growers across a variety of regions in western Canada. I’m excited to be a part of Agriculture’s future.  

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Reynald Lemke

Research Scientist/Team Lead: Agronomy & Environment
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Reynald Lemke
  • Reynald Lemke

    Presentation: Does fall-applied fertilizer-N influence N-loss during the over-winter and spring thaw period?

    Dr. Reynald Lemke grew up on a small farm in central Saskatchewan. He completed his undergraduate work at the University of Saskatchewan, and graduate work at the University of Alberta. Reynald is employed as a research scientist with Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada located at the Saskatoon Research and Development Centre, where he is also the Agronomy & Environment Team Lead. His research program considers the long-term sustainability of cropping systems on the Canadian prairies with a particular focus on greenhouse gas emissions and soil health.  He has led numerous projects investigating how these factors are influenced by tillage systems, pulse crops, fertilizer management and grazing systems. The overarching objective of his program is to identify farming practices that minimize the carbon footprint of cropping systems, and to develop strategies to layer promising individual practices into integrated suites of practices that capture synergistic benefits with regard to reduced carbon footprints, improved sustainability, and stable or increasing productivity.

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Jonathan Lynch

Distinguished Professor Emeritus
The Pennsylvania State University
Jonathan Lynch
  • Jonathan Lynch

    Presentation title: New Roots for Agriculture

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Jason MacDonald

Fuels Policy Advisor
Jason MacDonald
  • Jason MacDonald

    A 21-year veteran of the energy industry, Jason is actively involved in Imperial’s growing lower emissions fuels business. During his career with Imperial across Canada and the US, his work has resulted in a deep knowledge of North American fuels policy. Coupled with biofuels manufacturing technology expertise, today Jason helps develop durable business strategies consistent with the ever-evolving policy landscape.

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Samantha Marcino

Acting Provincial Specialist, Oilseed Crops
Saskatchewan Agriculture
Samantha Marcino
  • Samantha Marcino

    Presentation: 2024 Year in Review

    Samantha Marcino has worked for Saskatchewan Agriculture since 2020 and is currently the Acting Provincial Specialist, Oilseed Crops. In this role she provides specialist services to oilseed crop producers, producer groups, other government and industry specialists and senior government officials. Samantha is a professional agrologist, a certified crop advisor and has her degree in Agribusiness from the University of Saskatchewan. She previously worked in the retail industry focusing primarily on in-field agronomy and crop inputs.

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Rachelle McCannell

Master’s Student
University of Saskatchewan
Rachelle McCannell
  • Rachelle McCannell

    Presentation: Evaluation of Canola Nitrogen Use Efficiency: Determining Proportions of Soil- and Fertilizer-Derived Nitrogen


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Aaron Mills

Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Charlottetown
Aaron Mills
  • Aaron Mills

    Presentation title: The YEN Effect on cereal production in the Maritimes

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April Nichol

Seeds Marketing Leader
April Nichol
  • April Nichol

    Presentation: Increasing the Component Value of Canola Seed

    As a professional in the Ag Industry for almost 25 years I have spent most of my career in sales, marketing, and business development roles.   Early in my career I spent time in the field, consulting growers on how to grow and market the best canola crop possible, adapting new genetics and technologies as they became available. In most recent years, I have had the opportunity to lead the Seed Marketing business at Corteva, ensuring Canadian farmers continue to have access to industry leading genetics and end use markets that continue to add value. I love the business of Agriculture and have had the opportunity to not only choose agriculture as my career, but also as a stakeholder.  Together, with my husband Chad we operate a 10,000 ac grain farm near Qu’Appelle, SK where we have made farming our business and our lifestyle

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Michael Nickerson

Saskatchewan Research Chair & Professor
University of Saskatchewan
Michael Nickerson
  • Michael Nickerson

    Presentation: Opportunities and Challenges for Canola Meal in Food Applications

    Dr. Michael Nickerson is a Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Research Chair and Professor in the area of Protein Quality and Utilization within the Department of Food and Bioproduct Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan (Canada). His research area focuses on improving the use of plant protein ingredients within the food industry, and targets five main areas: 1) protein/feedstock quality; 2) protein fractionation; 3) protein functionality; 4) ingredient modification; and 5) value-added plant-based protein innovations. He has over 210+ internationally peer reviewed publications, and receives funding from Provincial, Federal, and Industrial sources. Dr. Nickerson has been working on plant proteins for the past 18 years, primarily focusing on proteins derived from pulses, oilseeds and grains, as well as some alternative protein sources.

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Isobel Parkin

Research Scientist, Brassica Genomics
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Isobel Parkin
  • Isobel Parkin

    Presentation: Exploring the Recombination Landscape of Crops


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Colin Peters

GCIRC 2025
Colin Peters
  • Colin Peters

    Presentation: GCIRC 2025 Technical Meeting

    Colin has previously worked as a distributor agronomist and a farm manager for a large farm management organisation before moving on to work as Head of Farms for BBSRC, based at Rothamsted Research.

    As NIAB's break crop specialist he provides specialist technical and scientific knowledge on the evaluation, selection and management of crop varieties, focusing on break crops including oilseed rape, linseed, pulses, sugar beet and other minor crops. As part of the role he helps coordinate the break crop trials programmes, working with staff across NIAB.

    The crop specialist team, together with the regional teams, prepare information to help with knowledge exchange by presenting at meetings, delivering demonstrations at trial sites and national events. The team looks to develop contract research activities, particularly for break crops, by liaising with industry organisations and commercial companies as well as supporting the delivery of internal and external training on break crops and their management.

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J. Chris Pires

Professor and Head of the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
Colorado State University
J. Chris Pires
  • J. Chris Pires

    Presentation: Cabbages & Climate Change: Domestication and Feralization of Brassica

    J. Chris Pires is a Professor and Head of the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences at Colorado State University (CSU). He joined CSU in January 2023 and brought with him 30 years of experience in scientific research and engagement on issues related to science and society, including 16 years as a faculty member at the University of Missouri-Columbia (MU). He is a first-generation college student who earned his B.S. in Biology at the University of California-Berkeley and his Ph.D. in Botany from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He held post-doctoral positions at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and at the University of Wisconsin. Pires’ leadership includes serving as an Associate Dean for Research at MU, where he co-led the development of four new interdisciplinary centers. Pires’ research is primarily in crop genomics with over 190 peer-reviewed publications and H-index of 86, and he has won several research and mentoring awards. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and was Curator’s Distinguished Professor at MU. At CSU, Pires is passionate about engaging students, staff and faculty and enjoys co-creating spaces to ask important questions and to pursue innovative solutions. 

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Teagen Quilichini

Assistant Research Officer (PI) and Adjunct Professor
University of Saskatchewan
Teagen Quilichini
  • Teagen Quilichini

    Presentation: Revealing the Spatial Metabolome of Canola Seeds using the Canadian Light Source

    Dr. Teagen Quilichini is a cell and developmental biologist fascinated by how plants survive, reproduce and adapt to diverse, challenging environments. Teagen’s unique research path has provided her with experience in academic, private sector and government research settings. After completing her doctorate at the University of British Columbia in 2014, Teagen transitioned into an industry-based postdoctoral position in cannabis biotechnology with Anandia Laboratories Inc. In 2016, she joined the National Research Council of Canada in Saskatoon as a Research Associate, and now as an Assistant Research Officer (PI) and Adjunct Professor, University of Saskatchewan, where her research focuses on the genetic regulation of embryogenesis and seed
    development in staple food crops. Most recently, Dr. Quilichini’s research group has focused on deciphering structural phenotypes and mapping nutritional content within crop seeds and grains, using synchrotron light.

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Kayla Slind

Lead Research Associate
Western Applied Research Corporation (WARC)
Kayla Slind
  • Kayla Slind

    Presentation: From Trials to Triumph: Effective On-Farm Research with SaskOilseeds Top Notch Farming Program

    Kayla Slind is the Lead Research Associate with the Western Applied Research Corporation (WARC) in Scott, SK and has been with WARC for over 5 years. She lives on a grain farm east of Wilkie, SK where she farms with her family and holds a B.Sc. in Agronomy from the U of S and her PAg with SIA. In 2024 Kayla expanded WARC’s research into on-farm trials, collaborating with the Saskatchewan Crop Commissions On-Farm programs as Project Lead. In 2024, Kayla oversaw 16 protocols and 80 sites between the four programs.

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Raju Soolanayakanahally

Research Scientist
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Raju Soolanayakanahally
  • Raju Soolanayakanahally

    Presentation: From Flames to Fields: Understanding the Impact of Forest Fires on Agriculture

    Dr. Raju Soolanayakanahally is a Research Scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). Based in Saskatoon, his lab investigates the growth, developmental, physiological, and metabolic responses of crops and their interactions with their environment. His research emphasizes understanding mechanisms of tolerance to environmental stresses, as well as plant acclimation and adaptation strategies. A key focus of the lab is improving photosynthesis and resource-use efficiency, particularly in water and nutrient management.

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Mervin St. Luce

Research Scientist – Soil Fertility and Cropping Systems
Swift Current Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Mervin St. Luce
  • Mervin St. Luce

    Presentation: Nitrogen Management and use Efficiency in Canola Production Systems

    Dr. Mervin St. Luce is a Research Scientist in Soil Fertility and Cropping Systems at the Swift Current Research and Development Centre of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada since 2017. He obtained his PhD in Soil Science in 2013 from McGill University. His research focuses on enhancing agricultural productivity through the development of sustainable and resilient cropping systems, development of best management practices to improve soil health and resource use efficiency, particularly nitrogen, and the development of science-based decision support tools including soil spectroscopy for rapid measurement of soil properties. Dr. St. Luce has led, co-led and participated in several projects over the past several years related to nitrogen management in various crops and cropping systems, carbon cycling and sequestration under conservation and sustainable practices, and development of machine learning models using soil spectroscopy and soil spectral libraries. He has authored/co-authored 53 peer reviewed articles, two book chapters, several conference proceedings and abstracts, and has given several presentations to diverse audiences. He is also an Associate Editor for the Canadian Journal of Soil Science and Canadian Journal of Plant Science.

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Mike Stamm

Agronomist and Canola Breeder, Department of Agronomy
Kansas State University
Mike Stamm
  • Mike Stamm

    Presentation: Prairie Prospects: US Great Plains Winter Canola

    Michael Stamm is an agronomist and canola breeder in the Department of Agronomy at Kansas State University, and he is the coordinator of the National Winter Canola Variety Trial. The overall objective of
    his program is to improve the adaptability and performance of winter canola in the Great Plains region.
    Under his leadership, six conventional and seven Roundup Ready® winter canola varieties have been
    released and licensed for commercial production. His program has expanded into hybrid parent line
    development, including the introgression of the TruFlex® Canola trait. Mr. Stamm is an active
    contributor to the Great Plains Canola Association and the U.S. Canola Association. He has been
    instrumental in helping secure crop insurance, a regional market, and other production and risk
    management tools for Great Plains canola growers. Mr. Stamm is also a U.S. delegate to the Global
    Council for Innovation in Rapeseed and Canola.

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Stephen Strelkov

Professor of Plant Pathology
University of Alberta
Stephen Strelkov
  • Stephen Strelkov

    Presentation: Clubroot of Canola: Surveillance and Management

    Dr. Stephen Strelkov is a Professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Alberta. He completed his B.Sc. at the University of Alberta and then earned M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in plant pathology from the University of Manitoba. After a brief period as an NSERC Visiting Fellow with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Stephen accepted a faculty position at the University of Alberta, where his research focuses on diseases of field crops with an emphasis on clubroot of canola.  He has authored or co-authored over 240 peer-reviewed papers, in addition to many research reports and extension articles.  Stephen is active in undergraduate and graduate student teaching, and has supervised or co-supervised the successful completion of 44 Master’s and Doctoral theses. Stephen has received the ‘Outstanding Young Scientist,’ ‘Outstanding Achievements in Plant Disease Management,’ and ‘Outstanding Research’ awards from the Canadian Phytopathological Society, and was a Killam Annual Professor at the University of Alberta.  He serves on several journal editorial boards and is the former Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology.

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James Tansey

Provincial Insect/Pest Management Specialist
Ministry of Agriculture, Saskatchewan
James Tansey
  • James Tansey

    Presentation: Insects in Canola: 2024

    James has been the provincial insect/pest management specialist with the Ministry of Agriculture, Saskatchewan, since January 2018. This role allows him many opportunities to contribute to solutions to insect and vertebrate pest issues throughout Saskatchewan.

    Prior to this, he worked as a research scientist in the pharmaceutical industry in Idaho working on house dust mites, and as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Florida working on citrus pests.

    His doctoral research and post doc at the University of Alberta focused on some major insect pests of canola: primarily the cabbage seedpod weevil but also flea beetles and root maggot.

    He also has a master’s degree in Environmental Biology and Ecology working on the biological control of weeds.

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Tim Ulmasov

Cquesta Inc.
Tim Ulmasov
  • Tim Ulmasov

    Presentation: Engineering Crops to Capture and Store More Atmospheric Carbon in Soil


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Brittany Visscher

Research Director
Alberta Canola Producers
Brittany Visscher
  • Brittany Visscher

    Presentation: Alberta Canola's research year in review

    Brittany Visscher is the Research Director at Alberta Canola where she is responsible to lead, develop, and oversee all aspects of the research program on behalf of growers. She completed her MSc at the University of Alberta in Plant Sciences and holds her Professional Agrologist designation. Prior to joining Alberta Canola in 2018, Brittany worked as an Agronomy Specialist in southern Alberta with the Canola Council of Canada, and as an Agronomist at an independent fertilizer dealership out of Fort Saskatchewan.

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Petro Vyshnivskyi

Professor in the Department of Plant Science and Deputy Director of the Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Petro Vyshnivskyi
  • Petro Vyshnivskyi

    Petro Vyshnivskyi received his Doctor of Science degree for his scientific work - Agribiological bases of cruciferous oilseeds yield formation in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine (2013); PhD degree - in 2003 (Optimization of elements of spring rape cultivation technology in the northern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine), working at the National Research Center “Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (1999-2018).

    His scientific interests include cruciferous oilseeds [spring and winter rape, types of mustard (white, sarep, black], сamelina, fodder cabbage crops. The main areas of activity are the study of the influence of various factors (abiotic and technological) on the characteristics and indicators of growth, development and formation of oilseeds productivity. On the basis of the generalized data, scientific programs for conducting research with cruciferous oilseeds have been developed and implemented, which reflect the reaction of the studied crops to the main elements of cultivation technology (fertilization systems, timing and methods of sowing, seeding rates, efficiency of plant protection products and growth of regulatory substances, etc.) The author proposes zones of concentrated production of oilseeds and develops adaptive technologies for their cultivation for farms with different material and technical support.

    Author of more than 150 scientific publications.The bibliographic and abstract database of scientific publications is presented in the register of identifiers of researchers and their research works – ORCID (ID 0000-0003-1362-4931), and professional activity is on LinkedIn.

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Claudia Wagner-Riddle

Professor in the School of Environmental Sciences
University of Guelph
Claudia Wagner-Riddle
  • Claudia Wagner-Riddle

    Presentation: A National Collaborative Network for Improved Nitrogen Management and Greenhouse Gas Emission Metrics

    Claudia Wagner-Riddle is a Professor in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of Guelph, Canada. She leads collaborative research teams addressing many aspects of agronomy including greenhouse gas emissions, soil health, crop yields, and nutrient loss pathways. Claudia is an expert in the application of micrometeorological flux techniques to agricultural emissions of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas related to nitrogen fertilizer applications. Her research aims at better understanding the processes that lead to nitrous oxide emissions and to carbon sequestration, with the ultimate goal of decreasing the carbon footprint of food production.

    Claudia Wagner-Riddle is originally from Brazil, where she obtained a B.Sc. in Agronomy and M.Sc. in Agrometeorology at ESALQ, University of São Paulo. She holds a PhD from the University of Guelph and has been recognized as Fellow of the Soil Science Society of America, Fellow of the American Meteorological Society and Fellow of the Canadian Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Claudia is the Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and leads a nation-wide collaborative network for improvement of fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency and reduced emissions (CanN2ONet). She was awarded the 2020 IFA Borlaug Award of Excellence in Crop Nutrition.

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Blake Weiseth

Applied Research Lead and Research Chair
Discovery Farm and Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Blake Weiseth
  • Blake Weiseth

    Presentation: The Environment- Nutrient Management to Reduce Loss

    Blake grew up on a mixed grain and livestock farm near Shaunavon, SK. He holds a joint role of Applied Research lead at Glacier FarmMedia Discovery Farm and Research Chair at Saskatchewan Polytechnic and is currently pursuing a PhD in Soil Science from the University of Saskatchewan working under the supervision of Drs. Jeff Schoenau and Jane Elliott. He is a Professional Agrologist (PAg) with the Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists and was recognized by the institution as the 2024 Outstanding Young Agrologist. His research focuses on evaluating agricultural management practices and emerging technologies for their ability to optimize water and nutrient use efficiency while limiting nutrient losses in runoff water. 

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